Alfred's Premiere Piano Course - Lesson 2B - CD Audio Access Included
Lesson 2B - CD Audio Access Included
Continuing the expansion of note-reading skills begun in Levels 1A--2A, this book includes melodic and harmonic 7ths and octaves to aid the student with moving freely around the keyboard.
New items include the introduction of C and G major scales, as well as three-note V7 chords in C and G.
Dotted quarter and eighth-note rhythm patterns are added to other rhythms of gradually increasing complexity.
Each piece on the CD was recorded at a performance tempo and a slower practice tempo.
Premier Music Review
A-B Form
New Note F in Bass Clef
New Note E in Bass Clef
New Tempo Marking---Andante
New Notes A and B in Treble Clef
Minor 5-Finger Patterns
Major and Minor 5-Finger Patterns and Chords
Hand-over-Hand Arpeggios
Interval of a 7th
D.C. al Fine
Legato Pedaling
New Dynamic Sign pp
Interval of an Octave (8th)
New Dynamic Sign ff
A-B-A Form
C Major Scale
G Major Scale
The Three-Note V7 Chord in C
The Three-Note V7 Chord in G
Key Signature of G Major
Single Eighth Note and Eighth Rest
Dotted Quarter Note